Fear: Is it Keeping You From Fulfilling Your Dreams?

Be Fearless!

It would be fabulous if everyone could embrace this statement and apply it to their daily lives. Some individuals do this without thinking about it, for them, it comes naturally without angst, shortness of breath, or bruising of ego.

Then, there’s me—the epitome of an introvert. I’m the one who has to bolster myself before approaching the drive-up window at the fast-food joint, hyperventilates at the mere thought of speaking publicly, and loses my sh** when I have to mingle in a room full of strangers. And yet, I’ve managed to find a career in personal service, become a published writer, and learned to embrace social media (meh, it’s a work in progress).

Fearlessness quote

Fearlessness is the thing that makes you brave. If you can face your fears, you can accomplish great things, and even those who have already reached that pinnacle can suffer from self-doubt. For example, I know of one author who tattooed a reminder on her arm that she is a writer so that, in those moments of uncertainty, when neck-deep in plot problems, she still knows she can get the job done. Despite having more than thirty bestselling novels, this author still needs to remind herself to be fearless and keep writing. By sharing her anxieties, it has given me hope. She is my hero.

As we’re well into the start of the new year, one of my goals is to blog more, both on my writing site and on my professional esthetics site. Not just to garner success but to interact with people who share the same interests as me. I need to face fear head-on and conquer it. Even if I misstep and make a fool of myself, I am determined to slay this immortal demon!

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